Changing Profile Picture
A profile picture can be added to any Golf Clash account by securing your account to a Facebook profile. This can be done by selecting the grey cog icon from the main menu screen and choosing the "Secure Your Account" option.
This is currently the only way to change your profile picture.
Changing Username
Make sure that you choose your username carefully, as you can only change your name once. To maintain account security our Customer Care team are also unable to change usernames.
Changing your username is easy. Simply open the Golf Clash app and select your profile picture which appears at the top of the main menu screen.
You will then see an edit icon next to your current username. If you do not see the edit icon, then your username has already been changed and cannot be changed again.

Selecting this icon will allow you to input your new username. Once you have entered your name, hit "Confirm" to submit your change.