What are Replay Tokens?

After each Hole, you’ll be asked if you want to use a Replay Token. You can use Replay Tokens to play the Hole again and try to get a better score.

If you run out, you can get more as you progress through the game or in the Shop.

What is Stamina?

Stamina is used to play Road to Fame. You’ll need Stamina to make progress. Stamina will regenerate over time but you can also purchase it in the Shop.

What are Club Credits?

As you progress through each Run, you’ll gain Club Credits. You can use Club Credits to upgrade your Clubs.

You’ll get Club Credit boosts from Reward nodes that will last through the rest of the run. You can also purchase them in the Shop, but Club Credit boosts purchased in the Shop can only be equipped for one Course.

Club Credit boosts increase the amount of Club Credits you can win after each Hole.

What are Sponsors?

Sponsors boost your Club stats and give you additional bonuses. When you equip your Sponsor, they’ll be equipped for the entire Course. You can’t change a Sponsor mid-Course, but you can change them between Courses. When the Course is complete, your sponsorship expires.