So, you've done everything perfectly, but your shot still didn't land where you expected. Well don't worry, this is completely normal, and every golfer will experience this at some point whilst out on the course.

The key to improving your game and mastering Golf Clash is understanding why this shot reacted how it did. That way you can improve your game and prepare yourself for future shots.

To help golfers improve, we have put together a quick guide that highlights some of the more common questions we receive, along with some tips on how to improve your game!

Before we start!

It is important to know that Golf Clash has been designed from the ground up to be 100% consistent for all golfers. Every single shot that every golfer takes is done using the same app, with the same rules and the exact same shot physics applied. This makes sure that every single shot always lands in the correct location.
We validate the shots taken by every player to not only prevent cheating, but to also ensure that the outcome you see is correct, each and every time.

This consistency is what allows golfers to master the game by winning multiple tournaments and earning every single Trophy.

Where a shot lands is entirely based on the shot setup, shot execution, the course layout, and the wind conditions. There are however several key areas which could explain why a shot has missed or reacted differently to how you expected. Some of these key areas are detailed below:

The Ball Guide

It is important to remember that the ball guide shows you exactly where your shot will go if the ball lands in one exact point on the course. It is however almost impossible to land a shot in that exact spot, as factors such as wind, power and curl will all change the flight of the ball.

The Impact of the Wind

It is important to remember that the amount the wind affects each shot can vary based on several factors, including:
  • How high your shot goes in the air - the higher the shot the more the wind will affect the flight of the ball.
  • How long your ball is in the air for - if your ball is in the air for a long time, the wind will have more time to affect the flight path. This is why long drives are affected more by the wind when compared to short chips. Did you know that the wind can even impact shots after your ball has bounced?
  • Course elevation - hitting the ball over a ravine or onto an island? If so, make sure that you adjust your aim more for the wind. It is also important to adjust your aim if you are hitting your shot uphill or downhill.
  • Curl - curling your shot into the wind or against the wind is also a great way to control your shots. Looking to hit some huge curl shots? Try curling your ball in the same direction as the wind.

Adding Perfect Power

Judging the wind perfectly and hitting a "Perfect" shot means nothing if the correct amount of power has not been added to your shot. When you pull back on the golf ball to power your shot make sure that the golf ball is pulled back into the very centre of the circle.

Try to ensure that the bottom of the golf ball touches the small points visible at the top and bottom of the power guide.

Adding too little or too much power can be the difference in the ball going in or missing the target. This is even more important for short shots, as even a very small change in power can have a big impact on the outcome of your shot.

Adding Power and Curl

Trying to add the perfect amount of power to your shot can be extremely tricky when you are curling your shot. This is because it is much harder to tell how far back you need to pull the ball to add perfect power.

Be sure to pay close attention to the colour and speed on the needle when you are adding power whilst also attempting to curl your shot.
** Please note that the above image is purely an illustration for educational purposes and is not a 100% accurate representation of the game mechanics. **

Target Placement - The Fringe

The fringe in Golf Clash is tricky, as it can be very uneven compared to the green. So placing your target on the fringe is risky, as any small mistake, ball movement or wind misjudgement can cause your shot to land on a different area of the fringe. This will then result in the shot deviating from the path shown by the ball guide.

We highly recommend that you always try to avoid placing your shot target on the fringe. Where possible, you should try to make sure that your target is on the green, especially when trying to chip in.

Target Placement - On The Green

When you are attempting to make a chip shot into the hole, try to place your target as close to the hole as possible, whilst still giving the ball enough time to slow down and drop into the hole.

Placing your target further away from the home is risky. This is because a small mistake in the shot setup or execution will be amplified further if the ball must travel for further before it drops into the hole.

Target Position - Elevation

This is scenario is somewhat less common but is still extremely important. Where you place your shot target can have a HUGE impact on the flight path/trajectory of your shot.
In the above image the target at point B is positioned at a point on the course which is at a lower elevation than the tee. In these cases you will need to adjust more for the wind, as your shot setup is based on a starting position where the ball is in the air for longer.
There are some courses where you will be placing your target on an area of the course that it much higher or lower than your golf balls starting point. When this is the cause you will need to make adjustments to your wind calculations to accommdate for this. The rule of thumb is:
Aiming downhill/placing your target on an area at lower elevation = a greater impact from the wind.
Aiming uphill or placing your taregt on an area at higher elevation = wind impact is reduced.

So how do you avoid this? When possible, try to avoid moving your target onto areas of higher/lower elevation. You can then use power or accuracy to compensate for the wind. For example, you can compensate for a left to right wind by hitting a "Great" shot on the left.

This is by far one of the trickiest concepts to master, but as they say, practice makes perfect.